File "flyer.class.php"

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MIME-type: text/x-php
Charset: utf-8


  namespace models;

  class Flyer extends \ArrayObject {

    static public function add($params) {
      global $db;
      mysqli_query($db, "INSERT INTO flyers (".
                    "created_at) ".
                  "VALUES (".
                    _text(_slug($params['title'])) . ", " .
                    _text($params['title']) . ", " .
                    _text($params['source']) . ", " .
                    _text($params['code']) . ", " .
                    _text(_a($params['thumb'], 'asset')) . ", " .
                    _text($params['type']) . ", " .
                    _from_array($params['stores']) . ", " .
                    _integer($params['display']) . ", " .
                    _integer($params['line']) . ", " .
                    _date($params['date_publishing']) . ", " .
                    _date($params['date_begin']) . ", " .
                    _date($params['date_end']) . ", " .
                    _text(_a($params['pdf'], 'asset')) . ", " .
                    _text($params['link']) . ", " .
                    _text($params['flipping_book']) . ", " .
                    "NOW());") or
                  die("query error in Flyer::add: " . mysqli_error($db));
      $flyer_id = mysqli_insert_id($db);
      if ($params['flipping_book']) {
        $flyer = Flyer::get_by_id($flyer_id);
      return $flyer_id;

    static public function get_by_id($id) {
      global $db;
      $rs = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * ".
                        "FROM flyers ".
                        "WHERE deleted_at IS NULL AND id = " . _integer($id) . ";") or
            die("query error in Flyer::get_by_id: " . mysqli_error($db));
      $r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs);
      if ($r) {
        return new Flyer($r);

    static public function get_by_code($code) {
      global $db;
      $rs = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * ".
                        "FROM flyers ".
                        "WHERE deleted_at IS NULL AND code = " . _text($code) . ";") or
            die("query error in Flyer::get_by_code: " . mysqli_error($db));
      $r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs);
      if ($r) {
        return new Flyer($r);

    static public function get($params=array(), $offset=0, $limit=25) {
      global $lang, $db;
      $where = Flyer::get_where($params);
      $rs = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT * ".
                        "FROM flyers ".
                        "WHERE deleted_at IS NULL $where ".
                        "ORDER BY date_publishing DESC, title ".
                        "LIMIT " . _integer($limit) . " OFFSET " . _integer($offset) . ";") or
            die("query error in Flyer::get: " . mysqli_error($db));
      $results = array();
      while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
        array_push($results, new Flyer($r));
      return $results;

    static public function get_count($params) {
      global $db;
      $where = Flyer::get_where($params);
      $rs = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT COUNT(*) AS count ".
                        "FROM flyers ".
                        "WHERE deleted_at IS NULL $where;") or
            die("query error in Flyer::get_count: " . mysqli_error($db));
      $r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs);
      return $r['count'];

    static public function get_where($params) {
      global $lang;
      $where = "";
      if (isset($params['q'])) {
        $where .= "AND (title LIKE " . _text('%' . $params['q'] . '%') . ") ";
      if (isset($params['line'])) {
        $where .= "AND (line IN " . _text_in($params['line']) . ") ";
      if (isset($params['types'])) {
        $where .= "AND (type IS NULL OR type = '' OR type IN " . _text_in($params['types']) . ") ";
      if (isset($params['store']) && $params['store']) {
        $where .= "AND (stores LIKE '%;" . _integer($params['store']['id']) . ";%') ";
      if (isset($params['dates'])) {
        $where .= "AND (date_publishing <= current_date AND date_end >= current_date) ";
      return $where;

    public function bulk_load($filename) {
      # Array
      # (
      #     [cod.] => 240754
      #     [descr.] => tav.latte milka
      #     [marca] => milka
      #     [] => 11-19-15
      #     [n/p] => n
      #     [um] => kg
      #     [gr.] => 0,1
      #     [list.] => 0,99
      #     [%sc.] => 40
      #     [off.] => 0,59
      #     [pr.un.] => 5,9
      #     [gracq] => saccon
      #     [fam] => 1150
      #     [defa] => tavolette di cioccolato
      #     [ean] => 3045140105502
      #     [002] => o
      #     [003] => o
      #     [004] => o
      #     [006] => o
      #     [007] => o
      #     [008] => o
      #     [009] => o
      #     [010] => o
      #     [011] => o
      #     [012] => o
      #     [013] => o
      #     [014] => o
      #     [015] => o
      #     [016] => o
      #     [018] => o
      #     [019] => o
      #     [021] => o
      #     [022] => o
      #     [023] => o
      #     [061] => o
      #     [062] => o
      #     [066] => o
      #     [067] => o
      #     [bio] =>
      #     [senza glutine] =>
      #     [green] =>
      #     [light] =>
      #     [catering] =>
      #     [esclusivo] =>
      #     [equosolidale] =>
      #     [kmzero] =>
      #     [senza lattosio] =>
      #     [vegano] =>
      #     [senza olio palma] =>
      #     [pack sost.] =>
      #     [tipo] =>
      #     [zona] =>
      #     [bindello] =>
      #     [categorie prodotti] => dolci
      # )

      $fp = fopen($filename, "r");
      $header = null;
      $header2 = null;
      while ($row = fgetcsv($fp, 0, ';')) {
        $row = array_map(function ($i) { return trim(ltrim($i, "'")); }, $row);
        if (!$header) {
          $row = array_map(function ($i) { return mb_strtolower($i); }, $row);
          $header = $row;
        if (!$header2) {
          $row = array_map(function ($i) { return mb_strtolower($i); }, $row);
          $header2 = $row;
          foreach ($header2 as $k => $v) {
            if ($v) {
              $header[$k] = $v;
        $row = array_combine($header, $row);
        $matches = glob(DIR_ASSETS . "/../../data/flyer/" . $row['cod ean'] . "*.*"); //Iniziale del nome
        //$matches = glob(DIR_ASSETS . "/../../data/flyer/" . $row['cod ean'] . ".*"); //Nome esatto
        if ($matches) {
          $img = $matches[0];
          $md5 = md5_file($img);
          $asset = _asset('flyers', $md5, preg_replace('.*\.', '', $img));
          $asset_path = _asset_path($asset);
          copy($img, $asset_path);
          $img = $asset;
          $thumb = _resize_c($asset_path, 220, 128, 'flyers');
        } else {
          $img = null;
          $thumb = null;
        $fields = array(
          "flyer_id"        => $this['id'],
          "category"        => $row['categoria'],
          "subcategory"     => null,
          "code"            => $row['cod.'],
          "title"           => implode(" ", array($row['descrizione articolo'])),
          "description"     => implode(" ", array(_a($row, 'gr.'), _a($row, 'um'), _a($row, 'defa'))),
          "brand"           => $row['marca'],
          "offer_price"     => preg_replace('/[^0-9,.]/', '', $row['off']),
          "offer_price_old" => preg_replace('/[^0-9,.]/', '', $row['list']),
          "offer_discount"  => $row[''],
          "offer_multi"     => null,
          "offer_type"      => null,
          "notes"           => null,
          "ean"             => $row['cod ean'],
          "stores"          => array(),
          "stores_card"     => array(),
          "label"           => array(),
          "label2"          => array(),
          "date_begin"      => null,
          "date_end"        => null,
          "below_cost"      => null,
          "image_thumb"     => $thumb,
          "image_full"      => $img,
          "homepage"        => 0,
        foreach (array('biologico', 'senza glutine', 'green', 'light', 'caterig',
                       'esclusivo', 'equosolidale', 'kmzero', 'senza lattosio',
                       'vegano', 'senza olio palma', 'pack sost.',
                       'packaging sostenibile', 'confezione grande risparmio', 'nostra selezione') as $k) {
          if (_a($row, $k)) {
            if ($k == 'caterig') {
              $k = 'catering';
            $fields['label'][] = $k;
        foreach (array('tipo', 'zona', 'bindello') as $k) {
          if ($row[$k]) {
            if($k == 'bindello') {
              $cartigli = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9,]+/', '', mb_strtolower($row[$k]));
              $cartigli = explode(',', $cartigli);
              foreach ($cartigli as $cartiglio) {
                if($cartiglio) {
                  $fields['label2'][] = $cartiglio;
            } else {
              $fields['label2'][] = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9 ]+/', '', mb_strtolower($row[$k]));
        foreach ($row as $k => $v) {
          if (strlen($k) == 3 && ctype_digit($k)) {
            if ($v && !in_array($v, array("FR", "R"))) {
              $fields['stores'][] = $k*1;
              if ($v == "F") {
                $fields['stores_card'][] = $k*1;
        $fields['label'] = $fields['label'] ? ';' . implode(';', $fields['label']) . ';' : null;
        $fields['label2'] = $fields['label2'] ? ';' . implode(';', array_unique($fields['label2'])) . ';' : null;
        $fields['stores'] = $fields['stores'] ? ';' . implode(';', $fields['stores']) . ';' : null;
        $fields['stores_card'] = $fields['stores_card'] ? ';' . implode(';', $fields['stores_card']) . ';' : null;

    public function delete() {
      global $db;
      mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE flyers SET ".
                    "deleted_at = NOW() ".
                  "WHERE id = " . _integer($this['id']) . ";") or
                  die("query error in Flyer::delete: " . mysqli_error($db));

    public function get_categories($params=array()) {
      global $db;
      $where = FlyerProduct::get_where($params);
      $rs = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT DISTINCT category ".
                        "FROM flyers_products ".
                        "WHERE flyer_id = " . _integer($this['id']) . " AND deleted_at IS NULL AND category IS NOT NULL " . $where . " " .
                        "ORDER BY category;") or
                        die("query error in Flyer:get_categories: " . mysqli_error($db));
      $result = array();
      while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
        array_push($result, $r['category']);
      return $result;

    public function get_labels($params=array()) {
      global $db;
      $where = FlyerProduct::get_where($params);
      $rs = mysqli_query($db, "SELECT DISTINCT label ".
                        "FROM flyers_products ".
                        "WHERE flyer_id = " . _integer($this['id']) . " AND deleted_at IS NULL AND label IS NOT NULL " . $where . " " .
                        "ORDER BY label;") or
                        die("query error in Flyer:get_label: " . mysqli_error($db));
      $result = array();
      while ($r = mysqli_fetch_assoc($rs)) {
        foreach (explode(';', $r['label']) as $l) {
          if (!in_array($l, $result)) {
            $result[] = $l;
      return $result;

    public function get_product_by_id($product_id) {
      return FlyerProduct::get_by_flyer_and_id($this['id'], $product_id);

    public function get_product_by_code($product_code) {
      return FlyerProduct::get_by_flyer_and_code($this['id'], $product_code);

    public function get_products($params, $offset, $limit) {
      $params['flyer_id'] = $this['id'];
      return FlyerProduct::get($params, $offset, $limit);

    public function get_products_count($params) {
      $params['flyer_id'] = $this['id'];
      return FlyerProduct::get_count($params);

    public function update($params) {
      global $db;
      mysqli_query($db, "UPDATE flyers SET ".
                    "title = " . _text($params['title']) . ", " .
                    "source = " . _text($params['source']) . ", " .
                    "code = " . _text($params['code']) . ", " .
                    "thumb = COALESCE(" . _text(_a($params['thumb'], 'asset')) . ", thumb), " .
                    "type = " . _text($params['type']) . ", " .
                    "stores = " . _from_array($params["stores"]) . ", ".
                    "display = " . _integer($params['display']) . ", " .
                    "line = " . _integer($params['line']) . ", " .
                    "date_publishing = " . _date($params['date_publishing']) . ", " .
                    "date_begin = " . _date($params['date_begin']) . ", " .
                    "date_end = " . _date($params['date_end']) . ", " .
                    "pdf = COALESCE(" . _text(_a($params['pdf'], 'asset')) . ", pdf), " .
                    "link = " . _text($params['link']) . ", " .
                    "flipping_book = " . _text($params['flipping_book']) . ", " .
                    "updated_at = " . "NOW() ".
                  "WHERE id = " . _integer($this['id']) . ";") or
                  die("query error in Flyer::update: " . mysqli_error($db));
      if ($params['flipping_book']) {

    public function update_flipping_book() {
      if (!$this['flipping_book']) {
      system('rm -fr "' . DIR_ASSETS . '/flipping-book/' . $this['id'] . '"');
      system('mkdir -p "' . DIR_ASSETS . '/flipping-book/' . $this['id'] . '"');
      system('cd "' . DIR_ASSETS . '/flipping-book/' . $this['id'] . '" && unzip "' . DIR_ASSETS . '/' . $this['flipping_book'] . '" >/dev/null 2>&1');

    public function json() {
      return array(
        "id" => (int)$this['id'],
        "title" => $this['title'],
        "date_begin" => $this['date_begin'],
        "date_end" => $this['date_end'],
        "thumb" => $this['thumb'] ? CDN_URL . "/assets/" . $this['thumb'] : null,
        "pdf" => $this['pdf'] ? CDN_URL . "/assets/" . $this['pdf'] : null,
        "link" => $this['link'],

    function __construct($value) {
      $this['stores'] = _to_array($this['stores']);

