# jsSHA A JavaScript implementation of the complete Secure Hash Standard family (SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, and SHA-512) as well as HMAC by Brian Turek ## About jsSHA is a javaScript implementation of the complete Secure Hash Algorithm family as defined by FIPS PUB 180-2 (http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips180-2/fips180-2withchangenotice.pdf). It also includes the HMAC algorithm with SHA support as defined by FIPS PUB 198-1 (http://csrc.nist.gov/publications/fips/fips198-1/FIPS-198-1_final.pdf) With the slow phasing out of MD5 as the standard hash to use in web applications, a client-side implementation of the complete Secure Hash Standard family was needed. Due to SHA-384 and SHA-512's use of 64-bit values throughout the algorithm, JavaScript can not easily natively support the calculation of these hashes. As a result, a bit of hacking had to be done to make sure the values behaved themselves. SHA-224 was added to the Secure Hash Standard family on 25 February 2004 so it was also included in this package. ## Files **src/sha_dev.js** A commented implementation of the entire SHA family of hashes. Not to be used in production. **src/sha.js** A Google Closure Compiler optimized version of the entire library **src/sha1.js** A Google Closure Compiler optimized version the library with non SHA-1 functionality removed **src/sha256.js** A Google Closure Compiler optimized version the library with non SHA-224/SHA-256 functionality removed **src/sha512.js** A Google Closure Compiler optimized version the library with non SHA-384/SHA-512 functionality removed **test/test.html** A test page that calculates various hashes and has their correct values **test/genHashRounds.py** A Python2 script that generates multi-round hash values **build/make-release** A Bash script that runs the various Google Closure Compiler commands to build a release **build/externs.js** File needed solely to make the Google Closure Compilter work ## Usage ### Browser Include the desired JavaScript file (sha.js, sha1.js, sha256.js, or sha512.js) in your header (sha.js used below): <script type="text/javascript" src="/path/to/sha.js"></script> Instantiate a new jsSHA object with your string to be hashed and its format (HEX or TEXT) as the parameters. Then, call getHash with the desired hash variant (SHA-1, SHA-224, SHA-256, SHA-384, or SHA-512) and output type (HEX or B64). In the example below, "This is a Test" and "SHA-512" were used as the string to be hashed and variant respectively. Also, the HMAC using TEXT key "SecretKey" and hashing algorithm SHA-512 was calculated. var shaObj = new jsSHA("This is a Test", "TEXT"); var hash = shaObj.getHash("SHA-512", "HEX"); var hmac = shaObj.getHMAC("SecretKey", "TEXT", "SHA-512", "HEX"); The constructor takes an optional parameter, encoding, that specifies the encoding used to encode TEXT-type inputs. Valid options are "UTF8", "UTF16BE", and "UTF16LE", it defaults to "UTF8" getHash takes two optional parameters, a numRounds integer and an outputFormatOpts hashlist. numRounds controls the number of hashing iterations/rounds performed and defaults to a value of "1" if not specified. outputFormatOpts dictates some formatting options for the output. By default, `outputFormatOpts = {"outputUpper" : false, "b64Pad" : "="}`. These options are intelligently interpreted based upon the chosen output format. getHMAC also takes an optional outputFormatOpts hashlist which operates the exact same way as above. ### Node.js jsSHA is available through NPM and be installed by simply doing npm install jssha To use the module, first require it using: jsSHA = require("jssha"); The rest of the instructions are identical to the [Browser](#browser) section above. ## Compiling This library makes use of the Google Closure Compiler (https://developers.google.com/closure/compiler) to both boost performance and reduce filesizes. To compile sha_dev.js into a customized output file, use a command like the following: java -jar compiler.jar --define="SUPPORTED_ALGS=<FLAG>" \ --externs /path/to/build/externs.js --warning_level VERBOSE \ --compilation_level ADVANCED_OPTIMIZATIONS \ --js /path/to/sha_dev.js --js_output_file /path/to/sha.js where FLAG is a bitwise OR of the following values: * 4 for SHA-384/SHA-512 * 2 for SHA-224/256 * 1 for SHA-1 ##Contact Info The project's website is located at [http://caligatio.github.com/jsSHA/](http://caligatio.github.com/jsSHA/)